Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Just Linux

In 1999 I first discovered GNU/Linux. I had come across a CD on the cover of a magazine. It could boot into a new and different operating system. I still have that CD! I was amazed by it. It would run my little laptop in memory (192Mb) faster than Win98 on the hard drive. Then I found a magazine in Australia with Red Hat 7.1 on the front (and I still have these CD's too). This I installed onto my laptop. It took three days to configure and get everything working and then - wow - what a laptop. My little Toshiba Satellite had a P3 processor running at 700 MHz, 192 Mb ram and a 30 Gb hard drive, and it would out perform PCs and laptops of better hardware running the latest from Redmond. I was happy. I eventually gave it to a good home running SimplyMepis, a Debian based Linux OS. I have played and got to know well the Red Hat/Fedora system, the Debian system (and various derivatives), a little bit of Suse, Mandrake/Mandriva, Slackware, Puppy, and some embedded ones too.
Since then I have had to use Windows OS's for a lot of work stuff because my clients and/or employers uses Windows based systems. OK, so now I'm going to have a pop at Windows, and what I found was that it is slow and gets slower over time, it is inherently insecure and you have to install extra software to protect your stuff, it is clunky, and I just don't like to pay for something that is basically incomplete and has known flaws. But it does work and can be made to behave and be relatively secure. I still don't like using Windows and I refuse to do my banking on a windows machine. Just my opinion. I now run Windows in a vm just for testing purposes.
I have used OSX on a Macbook Pro, along side my trusty ThinkPad R61, for a few years as a way to get away from Windows. I needed to use Adobe CS4 which meant either Windows or OSX, and I chose OSX. This was a good learning experience for me for as good as the Mac is, it too has its limitations, mainly imposed by Apple slowly building their walled garden with their increasingly dictatorial and arrogant views on how we should use their products. May be we should just employ Apple to do our work for us! I also run Debian on the Macbook and it runs really well.
And now I'm ready to sell the Mac and live with Linux only!
Next up: Debian, Ubuntu or Fedora? Ubuntu or not Ubuntu, that is the question!

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Welcome to my weblog

Welcome to my new blog, Geek In Oz. First, a little introduction, I am a self confessed geek, and I live in Australia. I haven't always lived here. I was born and raised in England.
This weblog is about my trails and tribulations, successes and reasonings about the tech world. I will probably concentrate on Linux, Android and open source software.
I have always enjoyed technology. My first project was to take apart and put together my fathers mantelpiece clock, at the end, the clock worked and I had a ew parts left over!
My projects these days mainly cover trying to get things to do things they weren't designed to do! When I have success I will write it up here for you, when I have failures, this too I will put here, and of course, when I need help! I will also be doing reviews and opinion pieces. I am hoping to post regularly, starting with once or twice a month and slowly increasing.
I hope you will enjoy - let me know.